PCS Instruments moves into its next phase ahead with new growth plans
Having joined in late 2022, CEO Steve Horder has ushered in a new phase of growth for PCS since joining the business in September 2022.
As the UK-based global leader in tribology test equipment, PCS welcomed Steve as the new chief executive to oversee the next stages of its development.
Steve joined from Malvern Panalytical – part of London-listed Spectris plc – where he was UK director and Vice President of Commercial and Sectors and was responsible for the customer-facing activities of a £400 million scientific instrumentation company.
The appointment has allowed the founders of PCS – Dr John Hutchinson and Dr Clive Hamer – to focus on research and development, to enable the company to take advantage of the growing opportunities for its scientific instruments across a broad range of sectors from the oil industry to engineering, pharmaceuticals and food and drink manufacturing.
Steve is a highly experienced international business leader with strong record of accomplishment across operations, sales, business development and strategy and excited about the next stage of growth now happening at PCS.
Steve said: “PCS is a leader in its sector and has enormous potential for further growth. I am excited to have joined when there is such a wide range of new opportunities for the company.
We feel with tribological research into areas such as electric vehicles, sustainability and green energy coupled with our investment in our team and a pipeline of new products alongside PCS’ heritage of great support there is a bright future for us and the Tribology and Lubricants industry. “
Dr Hutchinson and Dr Hamer said in a statement: “Steve is the ideal candidate to lead the business in addressing the new opportunities for our scientific instruments. He is passionate about ensuring we are customer-focused in all that we do and has a deep understanding of international markets for scientific instruments.”
PCS has a 30-year track record of developing scientific instruments for use in tribology – the science and engineering of interacting surfaces in relative motion.
The company’s instruments have been sold in more than 100 countries – and are used as standard in parts of the lubricants industry to measure friction and improve energy efficiency.
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